Get Involved
Support grassroots initiatives – Sevalanka always encourage and support small-scale community initiatives that need funding to get off -the ground. Each month you can make any of these grassroots initiatives a reality. Since 2005, Sevalanka has offered opportunities for individuals and groups to directly support projects in rural communities in Sri Lanka. Communities often identify needs and opportunities that cannot be supported within the framework of Sevalanka's project funding.
These grassroots initiatives are locally driven and tend to have a high impact. Sponsoring a grassroots initiative allows you to choose the project or projects that interest you most. Through your donation, we can help a vulnerable community in Sri Lanka meet their most dire needs or to make their ideas/dreams a reality. In the past we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of individual and group donations especially post tsunami and post flood. We have even made arrangements for people to visit the grassroots initiatives they supported. For the current grassroots initiatives available please contact: [email protected] Volunteers and Interns
Volunteer opportunities for expatriates Due to current visa restrictions, we are no longer able to host expatriate volunteers for long-term placements. If you are in the country or plan to travel here, please contact us about current volunteer opportunities. (Contact : [email protected]) Internships for local / international university students We receive many inquiries each year from undergraduate and graduate students looking for internship opportunities. Due to current restrictions, we are only able to host Foreign student interns who make their own visa arrangements.For internships, we request a donation to cover expenses related to the placement. Applicants are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Locals Students can contact us to see whether appropriate opportunities are available at the time of application. For more information, contact [email protected] Donate to Sevalanka - Your support, whether a one-time donation or monthly contribution, will have a direct impact in disadvantaged Sri Lankan communities. Kindly check under the grassroots initiatives for the type of interventions you can support. Or if you already know of a need at the grassroots level that you would like to support kindly contact us on [email protected] to find out more information